The funniest flash i've seen in a long time
The funniest flash i've seen in a long time
i've seen better i've seen worse
This flash was ok but the idea were kinda old.
You need to put in better storyline in your movies for a better score. Much people are already sick of matrix flashes on ng.
You could have replaced strawberry clock with a stick.
The animation could be a bit smoother but the fighting was cool.
The 3D scene in the beginning was also pretty cool.
I hope to see more of you in the future =).
the idea is new but i couldn't incorperate it.
strawberry clock is a very usefull to b morpheus. Smoother? dude its going at 30FPS and its almost all tweened.
This was... Ok
The backgrounds were ok.
And it looked quite funny when he was raising his eyebrows.
But other then that it sucked.
why....thank you.
yes, eyebrows...funy.
no problem. you have Internal Fires 9 to look forwards to.
It was ok
First things first.
What were you thinking putting that terrible titanic song in the ending???
The voices had some kind of echo in them so they sounded kinda weird. And you could have chosen another song then timesplitter.
One thing i really liked was the fbf fights they were really nice. I hope to see more of them in the future. And the 3D was cool.
Other then that the movie was ok.
The sequel is already in progress even as we speak. Thanx
SwedishMafia is created by two Swedish flash animators. Our current project is The black revenge prologue and part 3
Age 35, Male
Joined on 8/31/04